
Tips to Get More Reviews for Your Small Business

Aug 19, 2020

Business Insurance

Tips to Get More Reviews for Your Small Business

Reviews can increase your business reputation, brand visibility, and search engine ranking. Customers usually prefer reading reviews online before choosing a service or buying a product. Reviews let your prospective clients know whether your business can provide them the best products or services.

While exceeding the customer's expectation is likely to help your business get reviews, most clients don't have the time or forget to provide feedback after getting the services. Here are a few tips to get more reviews for your small business:

Be Polite and Direct

Don't feel awkward when asking for customer feedback. Your loyal clients know that you are providing a better service than your competitors, and won't hesitate to share their feedback and reviews.

Send Follow-Ups

Most people are busy and may forget to give their feedback. Follow up them with an email or by a phone call to remind them to leave a review. Keep a log of your follow-ups so that you can avoid asking the same person to post a review.

Make It As Easy As Possible

Send your customers a specific link to your review sites to make it easy for them to rate and review your service. Putting this link on your website and business cards will also let your clients know where they can write their reviews. You can also display some of your customers' reviews on your website. This will help your visitors know about your service quality.

Be Quick

Many people won't take the time to review their experience hours or days after it has passed. Therefore, to get more reviews for your small business, ask your clients to write their reviews immediately after offering your services.

Guide Your Customers to Write Reviews

A new customer may not know how to write reviews. Ask them questions, such as "What did you like the most about our services?" or "What made you choose us?" This will also help you receive some specific information and feedback.

These tips will help you get more reviews from your customers. Proper commercial insurance is also important to protect your business from unexpected incidents. For assistance with all your coverage needs and questions, contact the experts at Knight Insurance Services .